I spent last weekend in Houston, Texas surrounded by my rock stars. Not people that play music, but people that write worlds.
Being lucky enough to attend Romance Author Mastermind for the second year in a row, I was not surprised by how much information I was given. I knew from last year that industry icons were going to tell us all how to build our businesses. Not write better, longer, funnier. Just to manage our writing like a job and hopefully make a living at it. Now not everyone attending were full time authors. Most had a day job still that brought home the necessary money and only a few could support themselves with writing alone. I'm lucky that my partner works full time and my writing is not relied on to support us fully. But many in the audience this weekend were looking at the presentations as a way to survive. It's not something talked about often, because usually we talk about stories, worlds, romance, and how they make us feel. Which is why we all started writing in the first place. The other side of that hearts and flowers is that drive behind those words. It's rent money, car payments, groceries, and healthcare of children. You can love writing books, but still need to make money doing it. I realized that my drive to make a living writing is slightly hampered by the fact that my partner makes a good living. But what if that went away? Could I step up and do the hard work to be the main wage earner. So if you start to see me posting more, engaging more, and over all promoing my books more, just know it's because I'm trying to make sure that if life happens, which it usually does, I won't be be starting at the beginning. 2020 for me is going to be there year that I create the security and comfort my family needs. I'm going to be doing that by writing. I'm going to finish my 7B7B series. I'm starting a new series, and I will be ahead of anything the world can throw at me. Skip the resolutions this year, instead create a plan of attack. How are you going to change your world?
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AuthorWriter by day, Netflix junky by night. Fueled by Red Vines and Coke Zero. Distracted by social media when I'm supposed to be working. Archives
December 2020